No Peace in This House!
It’s like someone lit a string of fireworks throughout your house. From the moment your boy wakes up till he finally goes to bed, there’s a string of intermittent explosions all through your day.
Your vocabulary devolved into a series of urgent monosyllabic directives. Speaking in the staccato of a one-person band playing nothing but pots and pans, you desperately try and control your boy.
Shouting all one-word sentences and all caps. CAREFUL! WAIT! STOP! NO!!! DON’T! PUT THAT *Crash*
– down.
He’s constantly pushing your boundaries, demanding to get his way, and trying to control everyone around him.
Red-faced, fists clenched, yelling, stomping, screaming, kicking (even biting) – But there are rules in this household, Dammit! (At least there used to be).
His short fuse causes an EXPLOSION!
You dodge his flailing and try to restrain him safely. Really!?… Again! Ain’t nobody got time for this –you certainly don’t.
He gets angry over the smallest of things… you’re so confused. How did you get here? We’re way past the terrible twos – and he’s getting stronger!
You’re worried. What will happen when he gets older? Will he do something he regrets? Will he hurt someone? Your worst possible fears start playing themselves out on the bedroom ceiling at night.
You’ve tried everything. It feels like you’ve run out of time. You’re so… so tired.
What causes anger in a child?
Anger is a secondary emotion, usually stemming from fear or sadness.
When we’re afraid, as humans, it is our nature to seek to control our fear.
Anger is a child’s way (and adults, too, sometimes) of attempting to gain that control.
Anger can quickly become their default for expressing many of their uncomfortable feelings.
Hope is Here!
I help little kids with big anger healthily express their emotions.
By providing a safe space with all the tools to let their big feelings fly, they learn to find calm.
Together, we’ll decode your child’s behaviors and address the deeper issues. Your child will learn to communicate their feelings with words instead of just noise.
Let’s get you back to speaking in complete sentences again and welcome peace into your home.
Reach out today! 208-315-9321